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New Pattern: The Jade Skirt

I’m so so excited the moment is finally here: the Jade skirt is available for download! Along with our first pattern we’ve created this new space for our company to come to fruition. I hope you’ll have a good experience making our patterns and enjoy our nook of the web!


Fun Repairwork With Embroidery

I hear you thinking – how can repair work be fun?? It seems that mending clothes is one of the things a sewist dreads the most. Mending for others? Even worse! I am no exception, my repair pile is usually quite high. For me this has to do with aesthetics and the satisfaction of creating something beautiful. The thing that makes repair work so annoying for me is that you are usually not creating something pretty. Yes, it is wearable again, but does it look as good as before the tear? Even with a well done patch it’s usually a compromise at best.


PPM #5 Playing with Facings

This is the first project of the second book. It was hard to choose one, there are so many interesting patterns in this book. But I decided to start with something simple and wearable. There’s a series for patterns that show how to alter the neckline by altering the facing. Marianna already showed one of them on a dress. An interesting concept, changing the outside by shaping from within.


How to Tie a Bow

Today I’ll show you how to tie a nice bow on the Musubu dress (or any other dress with a bow). Tying a bow when you’re looking at it from above can take some attempts to get it right. Follow the steps below and you”ll get it right the first time!


PPM #4 Knot Dress (Musubu)

The results of the poll were very clear: 68% of you wanted to see the Musubu as my next project. 25% chose Dekoboko, and only 6% chose Otoshiana. So I guess you still have a preferance for pretty dresses with big bows, huh? It was funny to see the result, I thought as a pattern the Musubu was the least interesting and not something I’d wear even though it looks the most wearable. Turns out I was wrong! I had so much fun making this. And as a bonus it turned out to be very wearable even for me, so you chose well. Thanks for participating! I included some sewing instructions, because I have a feeling you’ll want to make one too. I’ll do a special post on how to tie a nice bow later this week. I hope it fulfills your expectations!