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What to Expect From Paprika Patterns

Sometimes when there’s a new Indie pattern company I buy their pattern just to see how they’re doing things. How have they styled their instructions? What do their PDF patterns look like? What new inventions have they come up with to improve user experience? And I imagine you’re wondering about the same when you see a new company pop up. We’ve gotten used to a certain standard from Indie patterns and expectations are high. Since we’re new in the neighbourhood I thought I’d show you some previews of our patterns and instructions so you know what you get when you buy a pattern from us.


Pattern Testing and Reviewing

In this post I want to shed some light on what you can expect if you’re a tester or reviewer for us. Here’s the short version: we’re looking for testers and reviewers and HERE is where you can sign up! If you want some sneak peeks of upcoming patterns, Instagram is the place to look.

Blogpost | Tutorials

How to Draft in Between Sizes

It’s all nice and well if your fit in one size column, but the reality for the majority of women is that they span multiple columns. I know I do; my bust, waist and hip usually have a column all for themselves. Most Indie patterns are ‘nested’, which means that the different sizes are drafted in such a way that you can easily draw a line from one size to another. The Jade pattern is also nested for this purpose. However, the front piece has kind of a zig-zag outline, which makes drawing a neat line a bit difficult. In this post I’ll show you the easiest way of drafting between sizes on the Jade skirt front piece, taking my own adjustments as an example.


Jade – How to Choose a Size

If you’re an experiencesd sewist you’ll know how to find your size in a size chart, but if you’re just beginning it might be nice to have some background info. In this post we’ll discuss how to find the right size in the size charts and how to check this with your fabric.