/ Lisa Kievits - Page 13

Pattern Magic Inspiration

Hurray, it’s time for the continuation of the Pattern Magic series! Back in 2013 I wanted to make one pattern from the Pattern Magic books each month, but got stranded after month 5. We were preparing for our big trip, I was working during the day and drafting the Jade in the evenings, and there just wasn’t any time left. I am excited to get started again, I have found more Pattern Magic sources and I intend to use them all!


How Our Sizechart Works

In this post I’d like to give you some insight in how our size chart is built up, and how we came to this range of sizes. As you might know almost every indie pattern company creates its own sizechart. Every designer does his or her research on the subject, and then chooses the sizes/size proportions he or she thinks represent the average women best. I know, there is no such thing as an average woman, but you have to draft your patterns based on something, right?

Blogpost | Tutorials

How to Sew the Jasper Hood

Sewing the hood of the Jasper may not be the most difficult step of the construction process, but I do think some steps benefit from real garment photo’s. Plus I have some tips to share that make it easier to achieve a neat end result. So if you prefer a big hood over the collar, follow these steps and you’ll have one in no-time!

Blogpost | Tutorials

How to Sew Single Welt Pockets

Welt pockets are not a common feature on sweatshirts, but I love the structure they add to the Jasper Sweater/Dress. They give a polished look to the design and they’re not so hard once you understand the process. They are considered one of the more tricky techniques to master, but that just makes it more satisfying to add to your skill set! So no need to worry, if you need more words and photo’s to understand this process, that’s what you get in this post.


Jasper – How to Choose Your Fabric

The Jasper instructions already provide a clue to what sort of fabric is best suited for this pattern. The Jasper is a structured sweatshirt, not a sloppy one so it’s important to choose the right fabric. In this post I want to elaborate on what fabric qualities you’re looking for, and where to find them.